
Curso: 2022-23
Subject: 44189 Learning the basic skills of a general health psychologist . 6 ECTS
Degree Name Cycle Objetive Course Caracter Guia docent assignatura
2244 M.U. en Psicología General Sanitaria 2 1 1 Obligatorio Veure guia
2255 M.U. en Psicología General Sanitaria (Ontinyent) 2 1 1 Obligatorio Veure guia
Group: SD
Plazas grado Dates Exams
Cap. Num.Enr.Stud. Lib. From Until Exam date(1t op.) Exam date(2d op.)
40 0 40 12/09/2022 19/05/2023
Tipo aula Subgroup Capacity Num.Enr.Stud. Plazas Libres Language Timetable
X 0 40 0 40 Spanish Morning